It is very easy to take our health for granted, particularyl when we are younger and we can seemingly bounce back from anything. Yet maintaining mind and body fitness takes consistent work. As the saying goes Health is Weath. A healthy person wants almost anything, yet when your ill you only want your health!
Tip #1 - Read the "Feel Better in 5" book
The guidance here is to review and implement aspects of Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s book – “Feel Better in 5”. This presents a number of fun exercises which can be incorporated into daily life to enable improving body and mind fitness.
The best way to understand the book is to do a high level skim read through it, stopping at text or pictures that grab your attention. Then carefully read the overview chapters. Finally follow one of the recommended processes.
Dr Chatterjee has spent a lot of effort to really look at how to make the ideas as frictionless as possibly so that anyone can take them and apply them to their busy lives. In the process showing that often just adding small new routines can bring tremendous changes into our lives. He also produces a weekly podcast and is present on social media offering up a wealth of interesting guests and simple actionable advice to help lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.
He also produces a weekly podcast and is present on social media offering up a wealth of interesting guests and simple actionable advice to help lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Tip #2 - Commit to ten minutes a day
Avoid making big committments that can then feel daunting. Using the guidance in the book look to find five and ten minute slots in your day that you can implement some of the easy tools.
It typically takes 20 to 30 days to really notice any fitness changes. So stick with it and build a great habit.
Tip #3 - Make changes frictionless
Alongside the mind and body fitness ideas the book is a great example of how you can incorporate new ideas and change into your life. The methods used remove friction so that doing the new thing is effortless. For example he shows how you can incorporate some simple exercises into your day while you make a cup of coffee or tea. Something we all do, and doesn’t need finding the time to go to a gym or buy expensive equipment. The lessons here can be used for anything else you wish to evolve in your life.